I am trying to save each variable save_i (up to length(counter)) as a row in a csv file. Each save variable is defined in a while loop so I have save_1:save_i where i= length(counter). A portion of the code is below:
# Packages
import msvcrt
import time
import sounddevice as sd
import soundfile as sf
import csv
# Settings
PLAY_TIME = 5 # in seconds
# Sound
sound_file_1 = 'C:/Users/am650/Desktop/Audio/aaa_1.mp3'
sound_file_2 = 'C:/Users/am650/Desktop/Audio/aaa_2.mp3'
blast_file_1, fs1 = sf.read(sound_file_1, dtype='float32')
blast_file_2, fs2 = sf.read(sound_file_2, dtype='float32')
# Set Up
time_start = time.perf_counter()
time_stop = time.perf_counter()
time_elapsed = time_stop - time_start
counter = 0
# Basic Logic
while time_elapsed < PLAY_TIME:
blast = msvcrt.getch()
if blast == b'1':
blast = 1
time_in = time.perf_counter()
time_to_button_press = time_in - time_start
sd.play(blast_file_1, device=4)
status = sd.wait()
time_in = time.perf_counter()
time_to_blast_end = time_in - time_start
counter += 1
save = "save_"+str(counter)
globals()[save] = (counter, blast, time_to_button_press, time_to_blast_end)
if time_to_blast_end > PLAY_TIME:
elif blast == b'2':
blast = 2
time_in = time.perf_counter()
time_to_button_press = time_in - time_start
sd.play(blast_file_2, device=4)
status = sd.wait()
time_in = time.perf_counter()
time_to_blast_end = time_in - time_start
counter += 1
save = "save_"+str(counter)
globals()[save] = (counter, blast, time_to_button_press, time_to_blast_end)
if time_to_blast_end > PLAY_TIME:
print("Invalid Entry")
with open('C:/Users/am650/Desktop/testdata.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
datawriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
for i in range(counter):
I have tried several variations of that last line of code (datawriter.writerow(eval("save_"+str(i)))
), but none of my attempts have worked as expected. The above returns an empty excel sheet. datawriter.writerow("save_"+str(i)
returns "save_1", "save_2", etc. up to length(counter) as there own rows instead of the data saved in those variables. datawriter.writerow("save_"+str(counter))
gives me the last round of data repeated for i rows (which tells me that the for loop is working okay); additionally, this gives me the last save variable with all components (counter, blast, time_to_button_press, and time_to_blast_end) in one column separated by spaces rather than each component in its own column.
I expect the code to give me an excel sheet that looks something like:
r1: 1, 4, 0.5, 1
r2: 2, 2, 1.7, 2.3
r3: 3, 5, 4, 4.5
etc. where each row has four columns and contains the data from save_1:save_i
Any help would be great :) Please forgive my code's inelegance, I almost exclusively work in r. I have tried to use a bunch of the already answered similar questions and they have gotten me closer to my goal, but not all the way.
I think you are doing a lot of work to manumatically do what a set of lists might do for you. Rather than creating a bunch of variables foo_1
, foo_2
, ...., foo_n
, you probably want to use a list or dictionary to store those.
Here is how I might initially approach the problem:
# Packages
import csv
import msvcrt
import time
import sounddevice as sd
import soundfile as sf
# Settings
PLAY_TIME = 5 # in seconds
# Sounds
blast_files = {
"1": sf.read('C:/Users/am650/Desktop/Audio/aaa_1.mp3', dtype='float32'),
"q": sf.read('C:/Users/am650/Desktop/Audio/aaa_q.mp3', dtype='float32'),
save_files = []
counter = 0
time_start = time.perf_counter()
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start
while time_elapsed < PLAY_TIME:
blast_key = msvcrt.getch().decode()
if not blast_key in blast_files:
print("Invalid Entry")
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start
counter += 1
time_to_button_press = time.perf_counter() - time_start
sd.play(blast_files[blast_key], device=4)
status = sd.wait()
time_to_blast_end = time.perf_counter() - time_start
save_files.append([counter, blast_key, time_to_button_press, time_to_blast_end])
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start
with open('C:/Users/am650/Desktop/testdata.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
datawriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
for row in save_files:
print(row) ## just to demonstrate that row here should be an item stored it the list save_files
I don't have the sound libraries but here is a version that works for me. It accepts inputs of 1
and will print a list of files and construct the csv.
# Packages
import csv
import msvcrt
import time
# Settings
PLAY_TIME = 5 # in seconds
# Sounds
blast_files = {
"1": 'C:/Users/am650/Desktop/Audio/aaa_1.mp3',
"q": 'C:/Users/am650/Desktop/Audio/aaa_q.mp3',
save_files = []
counter = 0
time_start = time.perf_counter()
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start
while time_elapsed < PLAY_TIME:
blast_key = msvcrt.getch().decode()
if not blast_key in blast_files:
print("Invalid Entry")
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start
counter += 1
time_to_button_press = time.perf_counter() - time_start
time_to_blast_end = time.perf_counter() - time_start
save_files.append([counter, blast_key, time_to_button_press, time_to_blast_end])
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start
with open('testdata.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
datawriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
for row in save_files:
print(row) ## just to demonstrate that row here should be an item stored it the list save_files