I don't know how to cast d for using += operator for adding next method to d.
Is here simplest way for it ? As explained first delegate lives outside the class and must be changed via reflection (not expression, expression tree, emit or so).
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class A
public void fn()
Console.WriteLine ("a.fn() \n");
public void fn1()
Console.WriteLine ("a.fn1()");
void start()
var cb = new B();
FieldInfo fi = cb.GetType().GetField("mD");
MethodInfo mfn = this.GetType().GetMethod("fn");
object d = System.Delegate.CreateDelegate( fi.FieldType, this, mfn);
// d += System.Delegate.CreateDelegate( fi.FieldType, this, mfn1);
// Line above give me an error CS0019: Operator '+=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'object' and 'Delegate'
// I think it due d is object not MD()
fi.SetValue(cb, d);
public static void Main(string[] args)
var ca = new A();
public class B
public delegate void MD();
public MD mD ;
public B()
mD = fn;
public void tst()
void fn()
Console.WriteLine ("b.fn() \n");
I have no idea how to fix it simplest way. Of course I read some articles but still no way have.
Now code works fine if I'm not using += and generates next output:
You need to cast delegate object to target type - B.MD
here, then it should work:
var d = (B.MD) Delegate.CreateDelegate(fi.FieldType, this, mfn);
d += fn1;
or use Delegate.Combine method to make one delegate out of two methods:
var d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(fi.FieldType, this, mfn);
var d1 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(fi.FieldType, this, GetType().GetMethod("fn1"));
d = Delegate.Combine(d, d1);