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WebStorm doesn't understand angular material functions in SASS

I have an Angular application that uses Angular Material and SASS. I have a few files like the following one:

// Import library functions for theme creation.
@import '@angular/material/theming'

@mixin doc-component($config-or-theme)

  $config: mat-get-color-config($config-or-theme) //Unknown function 'mat-get-color-config' 

  $primary: map-get($config, primary)
  $accent: map-get($config, accent)
  $warn: map-get($config, warn)


      color: mat-color($primary, 500). //Unknown function 'mat-color' 

    .download-button .icon-accent
      color: mat-color($accent, 500). //Unknown function 'mat-color' 

      background-color: mat-color($warn, 500) //Unknown function 'mat-color'

As you can see in the comments, when I hover over the functions mat-get-color-config or mat-color I get the message: Unknown function... from WebStorm, as well as getting a red underline on them.

This code compiles and runs without errors, I get the colors rendered as expected. However, I would like WebStorm to understand Angular Material Theming functions, not highlight them as errors and also sugest autocomplete.


  • This is due to a non-breaking change in syntax from Angular Material 11 to 12.

    The code above still works through Angular Material v15, but to make the error go away the following syntax can be used:

    @use '~@angular/material' as mat
    @mixin doc-component($config-or-theme)
      $config: mat.get-color-config($config-or-theme) 
      $primary: map-get($config, primary)
      $accent: map-get($config, accent)
      $warn: map-get($config, warn)
          color: mat.color($primary, 500)
        .download-button .icon-accent
          color: mat.color($accent, 500)
          background-color: mat.color($warn, 500)

    The use of tilde was required in v12, but deprecated from v13:
    @use '@angular/material' as mat