I'm trying to create an aspect to execute code before ServerSecurityContextRepository.save(ServerWebExchange exchange, SecurityContext context)
is called, but I couldn't get my pointcut working.
Here is what I tried so far:
public static class ServerSecurityContextRepositoryAspect {
@Pointcut("within(org.springframework.security.web.server.context.ServerSecurityContextRepository+) && execution(* *.save(..))")
public void securityContextSaved() {
public void beforeSecurityContextSaved(JoinPoint jp) {
if (jp.getArgs().length != 2) {
if (jp.getArgs()[1] == null) {
log.warn("SecurityContext destroyed");
} else {
log.warn("SecurityContext saved");
Any suggestion?
I just figured it out: ServerSecurityContextRepository
is not exposed as a bean in my application (instantiated with a new
in my code) => no chance that Spring can instrument it with AOP...