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SQL Between Function Isn't Getting All Data It Should Get

There is a standard query to pull information from a table.

I am using the between function to pull data from a specific date range. But there is a problem. Let's say the date range is 2023-6-1 and 2023-6-30

I should be able to pull all data that has that date range but instead I am missing the dates from 2023-6-5 to 2023-6-10 and 2023-6-25 to 2023-6-27

But that data is there originally in the table and I am not sure why I cannot pull that date range.

Just to note that the date column is a string not in datetime format.

Is there something I am doing wrong with the query?

Select *
FROM table1
WHERE docDate between '2023-6-1' to '2023-6-30'


  • It seems like you've stumbled upon an issue with date comparison when the dates are stored as strings which it is not very recommended as a best practice.

    The issue with your query is the use of the 'between' clause with string dates. Since the dates are strings, the database is performing a lexicographic (alphabetical) comparison, not a date comparison.

    CREATE TABLE table1 (
        id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        docDate VARCHAR(10)
    INSERT INTO table1 (id, docDate) VALUES
        (1, '2023-06-01'),
        (2, '2023-07-04'),
        (3, '2023-06-05'),
        (4, '2023-06-10'),
        (5, '2023-06-11'),
        (6, '2023-08-15'),
        (7, '2023-06-20'),
        (8, '2023-10-25'),
        (9, '2023-06-27'),
        (10, '2023-06-30');
    10 rows affected
    SELECT *
    FROM table1
    WHERE CAST(docDate AS DATE) BETWEEN '2023-06-01' AND '2023-06-30'
    id docDate
    1 2023-06-01
    3 2023-06-05
    4 2023-06-10
    5 2023-06-11
    7 2023-06-20
    9 2023-06-27
    10 2023-06-30


    Make sure that the date strings are in the proper format (YYYY-MM-DD) for this conversion to work.