I am using PrimeNG table with virtualScroll like so
[scrollable]="true" #tableEl
It renders the rows that are originally visible properly :
but the ones below that you need to scroll to get to are missing border around them:
or selecting another styleClass primeNG provides (p-datatable-scrollable) does not solve the problem. Adding my own style to the elements like for example
<tr style="height:53px;border-bottom: 5px solid red;"
also does not help (only the first "page"/"buffer" is styled). Removing virtualScroll does solve the problem (they all render with a border), but then it's slow which is why I need virtualScroll.
I've also encountered this problem and the culprit was Tailwind.
Tailwind sets the table border to collapse by default.
I've fixed this by changing it to "separate"
.p-datatable table { border-collapse: separate; }