I'm making a task manager in python that uses a json file as an archive and to save the informations that the user gives to the program i made a python file with different functions that manages those inputs.
And then when the infos are collected I made a function that adds those infos to the json file
import json
def setTitle():
#collects user's input
def setDescription():
#collects user's input
def appendJson (task, description):
#generate the json item
When I run the code it gives me an error because I didn't mention the other arguments.
So basically I should've wrote appendJson(task=userInput, description=bla bla)
and the problem is that the code doesn't work if I wrote that.
So is there a way to omit the second argument in the function call?
If you did not understand something tell me in the comments Thanks <3
Fixed it,
Assing a default value to the arguments like this:
def appendJson(task="default value", descripiton="defaultvalue"):
You can also use
def appendJson(task="Hello World", descripiton=None):