Let's say I have three variables:
I want to create a table with municipality as rows, industry as columns and then I want each cell to contain two values:
Is it possible to make such a table in Stata?
Here is a general code snippet that you should be able to adapt to your needs:
set obs 10000
* Randomly create the data
set seed 123456
gen municipality = ceil(runiform()*10)
gen industry = ceil(runiform()*5)
gen female = (runiform()<.6)
*Calculate N and percentages (technically shares) by municipality and industry
collapse (mean) percent_female=female (count) N=female , by(municipality industry)
* Reshape so each row is a municipality
reshape wide percent_female N, i(municipality) j(industry)
* Export data to table
*ssc install dataout
local folder "path/to/folder"
dataout , excel save("`folder'/mytable.xlsx")