I'm working with odoo 15, when I use the w3c validator on my home page code I get this error: Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified.
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" data-src="/web/assets/16708-d6c51d3/1/web.assets_frontend_lazy.min.js" data-asset-bundle="web.assets_frontend_lazy" data-asset-version="d6c51d3"></script>
how to fix the error to comply with HTML specifications. I inspected odoo addons and found this file
def to_node(self, css=True, js=True, debug=False, async_load=False, defer_load=False, lazy_load=False):
:returns [(tagName, attributes, content)] if the tag is auto close
response = []
is_debug_assets = debug and 'assets' in debug
if css and self.stylesheets:
css_attachments = self.css(is_minified=not is_debug_assets) or []
for attachment in css_attachments:
if is_debug_assets:
href = self.get_debug_asset_url(extra='rtl/' if self.user_direction == 'rtl' else '',
href = attachment.url
attr = dict([
["type", "text/css"],
["rel", "stylesheet"],
["href", href],
['data-asset-bundle', self.name],
['data-asset-version', self.version],
response.append(("link", attr, None))
if self.css_errors:
msg = '\n'.join(self.css_errors)
response.append(JavascriptAsset(self, inline=self.dialog_message(msg)).to_node())
response.append(StylesheetAsset(self, url="/web/static/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css").to_node())
if js and self.javascripts:
js_attachment = self.js(is_minified=not is_debug_assets)
src = self.get_debug_asset_url(name=js_attachment.name, extension='') if is_debug_assets else js_attachment[0].url
attr = dict([
["async", "async" if async_load else None],
["defer", "defer" if defer_load or lazy_load else None],
["type", "text/javascript"],
["data-src" if lazy_load else "src", src],
['data-asset-bundle', self.name],
['data-asset-version', self.version],
response.append(("script", attr, None))
return response
as you see there is this line ["data-src" if lazy_load else "src", src]
, is it safe to inherit the class AssetsBundle
and change it by
["src", src]
to fix the error ?
I tried ["src", src]
but not sure if it was safe or not,like maybe it caused some internal problems that I'm not aware of
It wouldn't make any difference since what you will be having it's a direct resource download when you change data-src
for src
because data-src
will be used to lazy load the resource after everything else it's already downloaded or when it's needed.
It will maybe make your page load a little slow but perhaps you didn't even notice that