Here is a representation of my data
A list of hospitals
ls_Hospital<-c("Hospital1", "Hospital2", "Hospital3", "Hospital4", "Hospital5") # a vector
I have another list of certain of hospitals with different parameters associated with them.
list_of_hospit_param<-list(Hospital1=c("A","B","C"), Hospital2=c("C","Z","E"),Hospital4=c("K"))
I Want to anonymize hospital names, by replacing them with codes
I firstly mapped hospital names to the codes:
hospital_mapping<-setNames(codes, ls_Hospital)
I now want to completely change the names of the hospitals and replace them with their corresponding code, in each of the data sets ls_Hospital
and list_of_hospit_param
For example the list_of_hospit_param
will be replaced by this:
list(A=("A","B","C"), B=c("C","Z","E"),L=c("K"))
(ls_Hospital <- c(
"Hospital1", "Hospital2",
"Hospital3", "Hospital4",
(list_of_hospit_param <- list(
Hospital1 = c("A", "B", "C"),
Hospital2 = c("C", "Z", "E"),
Hospital4 = c("K")
(codes <- c("A", "B", "C", "L", "Z", "X"))
hospital_mapping <- setNames(codes, ls_Hospital)
# make an ls_Hospital_2 from renaming ls_Hospital by the hospital mapping
(ls_Hospital_2 <- unname(hospital_mapping[ls_Hospital]))
# make an list_of_hospit_param_2 from renaming list_of_hospit_param by the hospital mapping
list_of_hospit_param_2 <- list_of_hospit_param
(nms_1 <- names(list_of_hospit_param_2))
names(list_of_hospit_param_2) <- unname(hospital_mapping[nms_1])