So, I am trying to analyze performance of a system. We have 3 types of Request URLs. Something like this-->
1. https://<base-url>/recent?param1=string1
2. https://<base-url>/all?param1=string3
3. https://<base-url>?param3=string5
I was using this query :
let start=datetime("2023-07-31T23:59:59.000Z");
let end=datetime("2023-08-01T23:59:59.000Z");
let timeGrain=5m;
let dataset=requests
| where timestamp > start and timestamp < end
| where client_Type != "Browser"
| where * has "<base-url>?param1"
| summarize count_=sum(itemCount), avg(duration), percentiles(duration, 50, 95, 99) by operation_Name
| union(dataset
| summarize count_=sum(itemCount), avg(duration), percentiles(duration, 50, 95, 99)
| extend operation_Name="Overall")
I want to analyze the requests count for these URLs by particular request param. I was able to do so for particular request param. I want to have a modular query which displays the count and duration grouped by the request params.
I have used these URLs to reproduce and got the result by using the below given query-
1. https://<base-url>/echo/recent?param1=Afreen
2. https://<base-url>/echo/all?param1=Afreen
3. https://<base-url>/echo/resource?param1=sample
let start=datetime("2023-08-07T11:40:30.8754634Z");
let end=datetime("2023-08-09T23:59:59.000Z");
let timeGrain = 5m;
let base_url = dynamic(["https://<base-url>/echo/resource", "https://<base-url>/echo/recent", "https://<base-url>/echo/all"]);
let dataset = requests
| where timestamp > start and timestamp < end
| where client_Type != "Browser"
| where url has_any (base_url) and isnotempty(split(url, "?")[1])
| extend urlParams = tostring(parse_url(url)["Query Parameters"])
| summarize count_ = sum(itemCount), avg(duration), percentiles(duration, 50, 95, 99) by urlParams
If you want to group them by Param_Name then use split(urlParams, ":")[0]
, as parse_url(url)["Query Parameters"]
returns value in "param" : "value"