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Grav 1.7 Appi theme - how to apply an image to a module's expected image?

I have Grav with a modular page:

user/pages/03.mod (type: modular)

Within that, I've added the Appi theme's module "herohome":

user/pages/03.mod/_hero (type: modular/herohome)

I want to add the background image to that herohome module.

In herohome.html.twig I can see backgroundImage.jpg as the html variable

{% if page.header.background_image %}
    {% set backgroundImage = 'background-image: url(' ~[page.header.background_image].url() ~ ');' %}
{% else %}
    {% set backgroundImage = '' %}
{% endif %}

So I've taken their supplied herohome.jpg screenshot, renamed it to backgroundImage, and uploaded that to Page Media.

I've inserted it into the body.

![backgroundImage](backgroundImage.jpg "backgroundImage")

Both the 03.mod page and _hero module are published.

When I go to view the page, I can see the hero module there but the image is missing.

How do I apply the image? I can't see it in their docs/Google/YouTube.


  • You don't need to insert image in your Markdown file's content as well as rename it to backgroundImage.jpg

    You only need to upload your image to the modular page _hero, then set the backgroundImage field in your Markdown page's header, if bg.jpg is the file you upload the code will be:

    background_image: bg.jpg

    You can check the skeleton as an example. bg.jpg is used as the background image, it is uploaded to the modular page: background_image: bg.jpg is added to the header

    title: Video
    background_image: bg.jpg
    video_mp4: user/pages/01.home/_herohome/bg.mp4
    heading: Your App. <span>Reinvented.</span>
    subheading: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the <br class="hidden-xs">printing and typesetting industry.
            icon: icon-append-iphone
            text: Learn More
            url: '#'
