If I want to solve for a specific result to an equation with one variable available to increase or decrease to solve for the result I want how could I go about doing it?
I was originally suggested the bisection algorithm but after researching that further I found it to only be applicable for square root equations in python.
For example
rho1 = 0.177
Nh = 9.3
Nv = 128
Qh = 10
H = 1
beta_h1 = .0000000001
def beta_h_func(beta_h):
return beta_h1*min(Nv/(Qh*Nh), 1) + rho1*H*min(Nv/(Qh*Nh), 1)
while beta_h_func(beta_h1) != 1:
if beta_h_func(beta_h1) < 1:
beta_h1 += .000000001
if beta_h_func(beta_h1) > 1:
beta_h1 -= .000000001
Where beta_h1
is the variable available for increasing or decreasing.
But doing this only results in an infinite back and forth going above and below 1 never ending. What could I change the while function to in order to receive a decisive 1 as my result.
Assuming your function will actually equal 1 if you substitute in the correct answer,
>>> def beta_h_func(beta_h):
... return beta_h*min(Nv/(Qh*Nh), 1) + rho1*H*min(Nv/(Qh*Nh), 1)
>>> beta_h_func(.823)==1
is your loop logic sound? Let's test it on a simpler function: f(x) = x - 1
f = lambda x: x - 1
def go(step):
x = 0
dir = None
while (y:=f(x)) != 1:
if y < 1:
if dir is None:
dir = 1
elif dir == -1:
return 'looping', x, x+step
x += step
elif y > 1:
if dir is None:
dir = -1
elif dir == 1:
return 'looping', x-step, x
x -= step
This go
function will accept a step and return the value of x
at which f(x)
is 1. It also has a safety feature to stop if it detects that we are looping between values of x
(like you are experiencing). Let's test it:
>>> go(1)
>>> go(.5)
>>> go(.25)
So the logic is sound. Let's try a smaller step...like 0.1
>>> go(.1)
('looping', 1.9000000000000004, 2.0000000000000004)
Although the logic is sound for exact artihmetic, when you are dealing with floating point numbers you are not assured that the sum of steps will bring you to the single value at which the function will attain the desired value. In my example, stepping by 0.1 from 0 brought us to just over 1.9 and just over 2, but never to 2. Your function (by your own admission) suffers from the same fate. (It also suffers by taking almost 10 billion steps to get to the point at which it loops.)
It is worth your time to see how to implement bisection, e.g. see here.
You can even use the built-in bisection routine of Python if you can write your function in terms of integer input. For example, say we wanted to find the solution of x**2 - 70
. Let x = i/prec
then define a function class that has a __getitem__
method to return the value of the function for a given i
and also allows you to specify the value of prec
>>> class f(object):
... def __init__(self, prec): self.prec = prec
... def __getitem__(self, i):
... x = i/self.prec
... return x**2-70
>>> prec = 1000
>>> f(prec)[1*prec] # 1**2 - 70
Now let the bisect
routine find the first value of x that gives a value of f that is >= 0:
>>> from bisect import bisect
>>> prec = 10000; bisect(f(prec), 0, 8*prec, 10*prec)/prec # nearest 1/1000
>>> _**2
>>> prec = 2; bisect(f(prec), 0, 8*prec, 10*prec)/prec # nearest half
>>> _**2
>>> prec = 2**10; bisect(f(prec), 0, 8*prec, 10*prec)/prec # nearest 2**-10
>>> _**2