We're using Infragistics grid (most probably, we'll have 8.2 version at the end) and we want to configure row/cells appearances "on-demand" in order to be able to provide sort of "dynamic appearance".
For example, I want some cell to be red or green, depending on its value. We might want to tweak other characteristics as well (font, size, image, etc).
A perfect place to do it would be some event, that happen before a cell gets repainted... But it seems there is no such event in Infragistics...
Or am I wrong? Any help?
Clarification: I'm talking about WinForms Infragistics UltraGrid
We have finally come up with two solutions for that problem.
For some of the dynamic content we use grid elements appearance and reinitialize it "on-demand".
For the extremely resource-critical appearance we use UltraGrid.DrawFilter (see also IUIElementDrawFilter interface).