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Lookup table design in DynamoDB

I'm trying to design a simple configuration lookup table in dynamodb. I want to store three categories of data - "dropdowns", "metrics" and "fields".

Each category would have mutiple entries under them for example 100 dropdowns, 50 metrics and 200 fields.

I want the following operations:

1. Get all dropdowns or metric or fields config. But not all at the same time.
2. Ability to get only dropdowns/metrics/fields starting with a prefix.

I'm thinking of below -

Partition key: category (DROPDOWN/METRIC/FIELD) 
Sort key: type-id
pk sk
DROPDOWN type1-1234
DROPDOWN type1-1235
DROPDOWN type2-1234
METRIC type1-123
FIELD type1-123

This design allows me to fetch all by the required category. And also I can further filter by type within a category by using BEGINS_WITH operator on the sk.

However, I understand having a non-uniform partition key is not recommended as it can lead to problems of hot partition. Can someone suggest an alternative table design that works with my use case?

Note: Total records to store in the table is not big. (< ~10,000)


  • Your design is fine for your needs.

    If you had to load 10,000 items per second instead of 10,000 total, that's when you'd want to do a little extra thinking about "heat".