I use the following line to add langchain documents to a chroma database: Chroma.from_documents(docs, embeddings, ids=ids, persist_directory='db')
when ids are duplicates, I get this error: chromadb.errors.IDAlreadyExistsError
how do I catch the error? (duplicate ids are expected - I expect Chorma to not add them)
I've tried identifying the error in langchain documentation. Not sure how to catch it.
Here's an example of how you can handle exceptions raised by Chroma.from_documents() -
Chroma.from_documents(docs, embeddings, ids=ids, persist_directory='db')
except chromadb.errors.IDAlreadyExistsError as id_error:
print(f"this is an error message => {id_error}")
For detailed explanation for handling exceptions in Python, checkout the Python Exception Handling docs