I am trying to use Splide in my Svelte aplication and I want to change where the pagination appears, since it is on top of my images and too transparent. I'm using Svelte Splide to implement this library and I was trying to follow the docs in order to customize elements from the splide.
I was able to set my styles on a css
file that I just had to import and it worked. The problem is this does not seem like the ideal way to do it, I want to be able to set styles from the styles
section in my component file.
This is my carousel component:
<script lang="ts">
import { Splide, SplideSlide, SplideTrack } from '@splidejs/svelte-splide';
import type { Options } from '@splidejs/svelte-splide';
import '@splidejs/svelte-splide/css';
import './carousel-style.css'
export let images: string[];
let splideOptions: Options = {
type: 'loop',
perPage: 3,
focus: 0,
gap: '1rem',
padding: '1em',
breakpoints: {
640: { perPage: 1, perMove: 1, arrows: false },
1024: { perPage: 2, perMove: 1 }
<Splide hasTrack={false} pagination options={splideOptions}>
{#each images as image}
<img class="m-auto" src={image} alt="Aglo" />
<ul class="splide__pagination" />
.splide__pagination__page.is-active {
background: blue;
.splide__pagination.splide__pagination__page {
background-color: black;
The css is the same as in carousel-style.css
. I think the reazon it's not working is because the classes are never declared on my component, which is why if I try appling css to the class splide__pagination
it does work, but for it's children it doesn't.
I was able to resolve this by using the global()
selector like so:
.splide__pagination :global(.splide__pagination__page.is-active) {
background-color: blue
.splide__pagination :global(.splide__pagination__page) {
background-color: black;