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Ngrok giving authentication failed: Your account is not permitted to use the agent ingress ""

I have been using ngrok for quite a long time. But today when I try to run ngrok using command ngrok http 3000, The following error pops up. Any idea what's happening?

NAME: http - start an HTTP tunnel

USAGE: ngrok http [address:port | port] [flags]

DESCRIPTION: Starts a tunnel listening for HTTP/HTTPS traffic with a specific hostname. The HTTP Host header on incoming public requests is inspected to determine which tunnel it matches.

HTTPS endpoints terminate TLS traffic at the ngrok server using the appropriate certificates. The decrypted, HTTP traffic is then forwarded through the secure tunnel and then to your local server. If you don't want your TLS traffic to terminate at the ngrok server, use a TLS or TCP tunnel.


EXAMPLES: ngrok http 8080 # forward ngrok subdomain to port 80 ngrok http

forward traffic to ngrok http 80 # request subdomain name: '' ngrok http 1234

request tunnel '' (DNS CNAME) ngrok http --basic-auth='falken:joshua' 80 # enforce basic auth on tunnel endpoint ngrok http 80 # rewrite the Host header to '' ngrok http file:///var/log

serve local files in /var/log ngrok http https://localhost:8443 # forward to a local https server

OPTIONS: --authtoken string authtoken identifying a user --basic-auth strings enforce basic auth on tunnel endpoint, 'user:password' --cidr-allow strings reject connections that do not match the given CIDRs --cidr-deny strings reject connections that match the given CIDRs --circuit-breaker float reject requests when 5XX responses exceed this ratio --compression gzip compress http responses from your web service --config strings path to config files; they are merged if multiple --domain string host tunnel on a custom subdomain or hostname (requires DNS CNAME) -h, --help
help for http --host-header string set Host header; if 'rewrite' use local address hostname --inspect enable/disable http introspection (default true) (default ) --log string path to log file, 'stdout', 'stderr' or 'false' (default "false") --log-format string log record format: 'term', 'logfmt', 'json' (default "term") --log-level string logging level: 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'crit' (default "info") --mutual-tls-cas string path to TLS certificate authority to verify client certs in mutual tls --oauth string enforce authentication oauth provider on tunnel endpoint, e.g. 'google' --oauth-allow-domain strings allow only oauth users with these email domains --oauth-allow-email strings allow only oauth users with these emails --oauth-client-id string oauth app client id, optional --oauth-client-secret string oauth app client secret, optional --oauth-scope strings request these oauth scopes when users authenticate --oidc string oidc issuer url, e.g. --oidc-client-id string oidc app client id --oidc-client-secret string oidc app client secret --oidc-scope strings request these oidc scopes when users authenticate --proxy-proto string version of proxy proto to use with this tunnel, empty if not using --region string ngrok server region [us, eu, au, ap, sa, jp, in] (default "us") --request-header-add strings header key:value to add to request --request-header-remove strings header field to remove from request if present --response-header-add strings header key:value to add to response --response-header-remove strings header field to remove from response if present --scheme strings which schemes to listen on (default [https]) --verify-webhook string validate webhooks are signed by this provider, e.g. 'slack' --verify-webhook-secret string secret used by provider to sign webhooks, if any --websocket-tcp-converter convert ingress websocket connections to TCP upstream

ERROR: authentication failed: Your account is not permitted to use the agent ingress "". ERROR: ERROR: ERR_NGROK_122 ERROR:

Trying ngrok http 3000. Ngrok website says its ERR_NGROK_122:


  • Seems like ngrok's network was down. It's working fine now