Search code examples

Just render some parts of a view and not the layout

My problem: I want to modify just some parts of the view (I don't want to reload the layout) when I click on pagination or when I change the number of items per page.

My controller:

public async Task<IActionResult> Index(int productPage, int pagesize )
        //await Task.Delay(5000);
        //var oldpagesize = ViewBag.pagesize ?? 15;
        //var oldpagesize = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("pagesize");
        var firsttime = pagesize == 0;
        if(pagesize == 0)
            pagesize = 15;

        //ViewBag.pagesize = pagesize;
        //HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("pagesize", pagesize);
        if (productPage == 0) productPage++;
        var productsListViewModel = new ProductsListViewModel();

        var products = repository.Products
              .OrderBy(p => p.ProductID)
              .Skip((productPage - 1) * pagesize)

        var pagingInfo = new PagingInfo
            CurrentPage = productPage,
            ItemsPerPage = pagesize,
            TotalItems = repository.Products.Count()

        productsListViewModel.Products = products;
        productsListViewModel.PagingInfo = pagingInfo;
        if (firsttime)
            return View(productsListViewModel);
            return View("Index1", productsListViewModel);

My view index (Index1 is the same without layout - maybe I can use PartialView):

@model ProductsListViewModel
    Layout = "_Layout";
<div class="container">
    <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
        <partial name="Pagination" model="@Model.PagingInfo" />
        <partial name="Pagesize" model="@Model.PagingInfo" />

<div id="listofproducts">
    @foreach (var p in Model?.Products ?? Enumerable.Empty<Product>())
        <partial name="ProductSummary" model="p" />

<div class="container">
    <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
        <partial name="Pagination" model="@Model.PagingInfo" />
        <partial name="Pagesize" model="@Model.PagingInfo" />

My layout:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <link href="/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="/css/pagination_bs5.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="/css/waiting.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

                    function updatePartialView(href) {
                        //const rep = await fetch(href);
                        //const html = await rep.text;
                        //fetch("/products/page2/30").then(response => response.text()).then(data => dat1 = data);
                        var html ="";
                            .then(response => response.text())
                            .then(data => {
                                html = data;
                                document.getElementById('partialview').innerHTML = data;
                             .catch(error => console.error('Error loading partial view:', error));

                        //document.getElementById('partialview').innerHTML = html;

                    function setOnClick() {
                        const alls = document.querySelectorAll('.pagination-item:not(.active)');
                        alls.forEach(a => {
                          a.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
<body onload="setOnClick()">

        <div class="bg-dark text-white p-2 d-flex justify-content-start">
            <div class="navbar-brand ml-2 w-25">SPORTS STORE</div>
            <div><partial name="_loading" /></div>

    <div class="row m-1 p-1">
        <div id="categories" class="col-3">
            Put something useful here later

        // here i want to just modify this part!!
        <div id="partialview" class="col-9">
    @RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)

So the fetch request returns the correct data but the rendering is bad (after i modify the DOM with the command document.getElementById('partialview').innerHTML = data, it seems all parts of the layout are not present and so the libraries css and js are missing? I don't understand why....

If I do the fetch in console and then the replacement of partial view all is ok. But not in the process? I have nothing defined in viewstart

I don't see how to resolve this problem...

The first time all is ok the view is completely loaded:


and after the click on pagination


you could see the DOM is modified .....The section head is empty libraries ??

maybe the fact to capture the return View/PartialView in the fetch request is not good?

i need to do that because i am using custom and normal taghelpers.. and i think we cant render the result of view rendering in a string (i think about that, because it seems the return view has impact on the result DOM and the view is not just captured by the fetch request)


  • the problem was not an asp.problem, but more a js problem:

    1. i have forgotten the fact to click on link, even if i trap the click with an eventlistener, i have to add preventDefault() to avoid to play the href. (thanks to @pcalkins)

    2. the second problem was the fetch request which is asynchronous, so i have to finish all actions inside the promise..

    this is the fix in script js:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        function setOnClick() {
            const alls = document.querySelectorAll('.pagination-item:not(.active)');
            console.log("in setonclick");
            alls.forEach(a => a.addEventListener('click', clickHandler));
        function clickHandler(e)
            const href ="href") == null ?"href") :"href");
            const alls = document.querySelectorAll('.pagination-item');
            alls.forEach(a => a.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler));
            document.getElementById("loading").style.display = "block";
                .then(response => response.text())
                .then(data => {
                    document.getElementById("loading").style.display = "none";
                    document.getElementById('partialview').innerHTML = data;
                    .catch(error => console.error('Error loading partial view:', error));

    the first time the setOnClick() is played by the Onload event in the body, but after, i replay the setOnClick() inside the promise..