Search code examples

Find items for which the price has changed the most number of times

I have a Presto table as show below:

Item Price Date
A 25.96 20/11/2022
B 11.89 21/11/2022
B 11.89 22/11/2022
A 26.67 23/11/2022
A 26.45 24/11/2022
B 11.75 25/11/2022
A 26.45 26/11/2022

The table has 3 fields. One represents the item field and the other represents the price field whereas the last one is the date when the price was obtained.

What I would like to find out is how many times the prices have changed for an item and order them in descending order.

In the example above, the result I would like to obtain is:

A -> 3

B -> 2

From the documentation I have gone through, it looks like I need to make use of Window function to know the previous fetch price for every fetch and then compare.

Since I am new to these kinds of functions, I was unable to find the right solution. Can someone help me with the expected query here?


  • you need a date column to make sure of row orders :

    with cte as (
     , case when Price = lag(Price,1,price) over (partition by item order by date) then 0 else 1 end as price_Change
    from tablename 
    select item , sum(price_change) as price_change
    from cte 
    group by item