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Conditional "open" attribute on dialog element in razor component

I am trying simply to toggle the visibility of my <dialog> element to <dialog open>. I found plenty of articles that will generate <dialog open="open"> but this doesn't work.

I am running ASP.NET Core v.7.0

I tried the enclosed code and other variant unsuccessfully.

<dialog class="dialog" @(paneOpen ? open : "")>

@code {
    public bool paneOpen = true;


  • Is it what you want?

    <dialog class="dialog" open=@paneOpen>
    <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="Open">Open</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="Close">Close</button>
    @code {
        public bool paneOpen = true;
        private void Open()
            paneOpen = true;
        private void Close()
            paneOpen = false;

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