I have an input DataFrame as shown above. The products in each category need to be grouped by the sum of their sales. From this we select the top N products(in this example,N=2) in each category and only those products from the respective categories should be displayed in the final output/dataFrame as shown below
I could try creating loops and iterating. I was hoping there would be an elegant way to do this.
Using a groupby
to get the top N products, then a merge
N = 2
cols = ['Category', 'Products']
out = df.merge(df
.groupby(cols, as_index=False)['Sales'].sum()
.sort_values(by='Sales', ascending=False)
.groupby('Category', as_index=False)
Date Category Products Sales
0 07-08-2023 A abc 1
1 08-08-2023 A abc 4
2 08-08-2023 A def 3
3 06-08-2023 B hjk 5
4 06-08-2023 B qrs 2
5 08-08-2023 B qrs 3