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How to make configuration with discovery first lookup work with spring cloud 2022.0.3

I've spent quite a few hours scratching my head on this one, digging through the documentation, migration guides, release notes, but can not get an application to get it's config from a configserver found through eureka : it works perfectly with boot 2.7.13/Cloud 2021.0.8, but fails with boot 3.1.1/Cloud 2022.0.3.

I put a really simple project here :

The main branch is spring boot 3, there is also a main-spring-boot-2 branch with the spring boot 2 version that works. The diff is really only versions in poms : snussbaumer/spring-cloud-config-discovery-first-sample@main...main-spring-boot-2

I've also posted an issue on, but it dit not get much traction there. I tried debugging through the thing but it's not a simple endeavour ... I've been through much of spring code but here I'm a bit lost.


  • There was a problem in Spring Cloud 2022.0.3 as stated here :

    There is a known defect in Spring Cloud Config related to locating the config server via service discovery. In order to activate this feature in this release you will need to set and in an environment variable or as a system property. This bug will be addressed in the next release.

    The problem has been fixed in Spring Cloud 2022.0.4.