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How do I turn importing a database into a Google Sheet via AppScript into a custom formula?

So I'm importing a huge API into my spreadsheet, and running into issues with the AppScript timing out after 6 minutes, however, I have read custom formulas do not run into this issue. With my database importing using a lot of for loops and such, I'm not to sure how I transition it into a custom formula.

Here is the code I am working with:

function database() {
  var url = ""
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
  var data = response.getContentText()
  var result = JSON.parse(data)

  var pageCount = result.pageCount
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
  var startingCell = SpreadsheetApp.getCurrentCell(cell)

  var headerRow = ['ID','First Name','Last Name','Full Name','Display Name','Short Name','Weight','Height','Position','Team','City','State','Country','Years','Class','Jersey','Active']


  for(var pageNumber=1;pageNumber<=pageCount;pageNumber++){

    var newUrl = ("" + pageNumber);
    var trueResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(newUrl)
    var trueData = trueResponse.getContentText()
    var trueResult = JSON.parse(trueData)


    for(var i=0;i<trueResult.items.length;i++){

      var playerUrl = trueResult.items[i].$ref
      var playerResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(playerUrl)
      var playerData = playerResponse.getContentText()
      var playerResult = JSON.parse(playerData)

      var id =
      var firstName = playerResult.firstName
      var lastName = playerResult.lastName
      var fullName = playerResult.fullName
      var displayName = playerResult.displayName
      var shortName = playerResult.shortName
      var weight = playerResult.weight
      var height = playerResult.height
      var position = playerResult.position.abbreviation
      var teamUrl =$ref
      var teamResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(teamUrl)
      var teamData = teamResponse.getContentText()
      var teamResult = JSON.parse(teamData)
      var team = teamResult.abbreviation

      var city =
      var state = playerResult.birthPlace.state
      var country =
      var years = playerResult.experience.years
      var displayClass = playerResult.experience.displayValue
      var jersey = playerResult.jersey
      var active = 

      var row = [id,firstName,lastName,fullName,displayName,shortName,weight,height,position,team,city,state,country,years,displayClass,jersey,active]



I'm thinking of having the custom formula take an input of a cell location to import the database. I've made a couple attempts, and I think the answer has to do with arrays, but honestly I don't completely know. If I can get any help figuring this out and understanding how to transition this into a custom formula, that would be so great!


  • Your script suffers from two problems: 1 - you are trying to get the original JSON plus all of the subsidiary data in a single pass of the script. That is too much processing. 2 - as commented by @TheWizEd, are appending on every new row. It would be better to accumulate those values and save them once only.

    The following script generates the JSON for a single page. This can be extended to create a loop to retrieve multiple pages in a single script, or multiple scripts as need me. Once the data has been saved, you can run a secondary script against the URLs to obtain player information.

    function getBaseJson() {
      // get the json and parse it.
      var url = ""
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
      var data = response.getContentText()
      var result = JSON.parse(data)
      // establish the sheet
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2")
      // ignore the first four fields
      // concentrate on 'items'
      // create an Item header
      var tempHeaderArray = new Array
      var headerRow = ['Item']
      var countRow = 1
      var cellRange = sheet.getRange(countRow,1,tempHeaderArray.length,1)
      Logger.log("DEBUG: Saved header")
      // save the item URLs
      var myItems = result.items
      var tempItemDataArray = new Array
      for (var i=0;i<myItems.length;i++){
        for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(myItems[i])) {
      var cellRange = sheet.getRange(countRow,1,tempItemDataArray.length,1)
      Logger.log("DEBUG: saved items")