I have a gitlab pipeline job that extracts the version number from a yaml file using yq tool and then exporting it as an environment variable. I am using mikefarah/yq:4.27.2 as a base image. the pipeline code is:
image: mikefarah/yq:4.27.2
stage: prepare
- ver=$(yq '.version' versions.yml)
- echo "version=${ver}" >> version.env
dotenv: version.env
The pipeline always fails on:
Using docker image sha256:cecdbf2efcf7240d3378dd188844b2b5805420eef692dfb98aa3a1b6d366ef5a for mikefarah/yq:4.27.2 with digest mikefarah/yq@sha256:856f7ab12c58608d422a742a4917e6998ad065d9d48a5b1cd69c3ce8fa80f3fa ...
Error: unknown shorthand flag: 'c' in -c
yq eval [expression] [yaml_file1]... [flags]
eval, e
# Reads field under the given path for each file
yq e '.a.b' f1.yml f2.yml
# Prints out the file
yq e sample.yaml
when using
yq '.version' versions.yml
locally with the same yq version everything works fine. But in the pipeline it fails. Any Ideas why this happens?
It was easier to create my own Docker Image of yq since the documentation does not state why exactly this happens.
FROM amazoncorretto:17.0.7-alpine3.17
RUN wget https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/v4.34.1/yq_linux_amd64 -O /usr/bin/yq
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/yq