I have multiple messages. I want to show next toastr after the toastr is dismissed. I write the following codes:
this.toastr.info(msg.Text, 'Title',
positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
closeButton: true,
disableTimeOut: true,
But all of my messages are appeared at the same time.
Here is what I want to:
Only one message appear on the screen, and then after dismissing the message, the next message will be shown.
To display toastr messages sequentially, I write the following method:
displayNextMessage(messages, index) {
if (messages !== undefined && index < messages.length) {
const msg = messages[index];
this.toastr.info(msg.Text, 'Title', {
positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
closeButton: true,
disableTimeOut: true,
.subscribe(() => this.displayNextMessage(messages, index + 1));
To call the method:
displayNextMessage(messages, 0);