I have an issue in Power BI to convert a date dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd but keep the type as a date, because I convert it into text and I had this format but the type is text may someone have an idea how to solve it. Thanks
#"Type modifié2" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(AjouterCode,{{"DATECREATION", type date}}),
AjouterDateFormatee = Table.AddColumn(#"Type modifié2" , "DATE_CREATION",
each Date.ToText([DATECREATION], "yyyy-MM-dd")
#"Type modifié4" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
#"Colonnes supprimées",
{"DATE_CREATION", type date}})
I've tried this :
#"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Type modifié4",{{"DATE_CREATION", type date}}, "en-GB")
If your date has been correctly parsed in PQ, you don't need to do anything further there. Leave it as a date type and change how that date is displayed in Power BI.
Select your date column in the data pane:
On the ribbon, select Column Tools and manually type in the format as shown. When shown in a visual, the data type will still be date but the format will be your typed format.