I have the following schema in mongodb
teamMembers: [
employeeId: {
type: Array,
required: true,
role_id: {
type: String,
required: true,
i want to replace employeeId wtih another existing id. To do so i tried following
let event = await eventsModel.updateOne(
_id: info.eventId,
"teamMembers.employeeId": req.body.leaveSeekerId,
set: { "teamMembers.$[elem].employeeId.$[]": info.replacement },
arrayFilters: [{ "elem.employeeId": req.body.leaveSeekerId }],
but by doing this all ids exist in employeeId array are replaced by new id
You're using Mongo's array positional all identifier $[] , from the docs:
The all positional operator $[] indicates that the update operator should modify all elements in the specified array field.
So you are telling him to modify all elements in the nested array, this can easily be solved if you just add an identifier similar to how you added it to the parent element, like so:
"teamMembers.employeeId": req.body.leaveSeekerId,
$set: {
"teamMembers.$[elem].employeeId.$[elem2]": info.replacement
arrayFilters: [
"elem.employeeId": req.body.leaveSeekerId,
"elem2": req.body.leaveSeekerId,