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Define command that gets text attribute from buttons clicked

I know how to get the text from a single button by hardcoding the name of the button to the cget("text") command but, is there a way to make this function dynamic so that any button assigned to the command outputs it's text attribute?

So lets say I have this

`button1 = customtkinter.CTKButton(ButtonFrame, text="Button 1", font=('Arial', 14), command=output_text1)
button2 = customtkinter.CTKButton(ButtonFrame, text="Button 2", font=('Arial', 14), command=output_text2)

Instead of doing 

def output_text1():
    button_text = button1.cget("text")
    output = customtkinter.CTKLabel(Orderlist, text=button_text).pack 
def output_text 2():
    button_text = button1.cget("text")
    output = customtkinter.CTKLabel(Orderlist, text=button_text).pack()`

Is there any way to make one function to apply to all buttons so that the I don't have to make a function for each of the buttons I will create?

I am fairly new to tkinter and customtkinter so any help would be greatly appreciated. I looked through similar questions but I couldn't find a question where they dynamically get text based on button.


  • Try with lambda function.

    def output_text(button):
        button_text = button.cget("text")
        customtkinter.CTKLabel(Orderlist, text=button_text).pack()
    button1 = customtkinter.CTKButton(ButtonFrame, text="Button 1", font=('Arial', 14), command=lambda: output_text(button1))
    button2 = customtkinter.CTKButton(ButtonFrame, text="Button 2", font=('Arial', 14), command=lambda: output_text(button2))