Currently my objective function gives me a solution in the magnitude of about 1e-6. I think that gives me some precision problem.
What's the best practice to handle this kind of problems? It seems like I can multiply the obj function by 1e6 for example, but not sure if that's the best way. What kind of parameters can I set?
Impossible to say for sure but let me use this to post some general guidelines about numerical problems when using CVXPY+Mosek.
in one place and 1e-6
in another1e+7
or 1e-7
Here are some more modeling hints:
and here are some more specific implementation hints including interesting Mosek parameters
Here you can see how to set Mosek parameters and write data to files from CVXPY
If you fail to get things to work as expected you can always save the task file of the problem and send it to Mosek support with an explanation.