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Golang - Html Template : How do I create a Nav-item - Submenu? I couldn't find how to do it

I'm trying to switch from PHP to GO, but I'm stuck at one point, I ask for your help.

I have a table called Menu in the database. Here, menuid equal to 0 becomes the main menu. Those not equal to 0 depend on the written menuid. I want to draw the sub menu it is dependent on, but I can't do it, I'm stuck.

Table > Menu menu table

html enter image description here

Output > Instead of adding the sub menus one after the other, it adds each of them side by side and as a separate menu. enter image description here

My PHP Func. php func

PHP Output (working) php output

Instead of adding the sub menu one after the other , it adds each of them side by side and as a separate menu . I couldn't find how to do it.


  • I solved my problem.

    I implemented a structure like below. Anyone who needs it can copy it from here.

    package main
    import (
    type MenuItem struct {
        Title    string
        ParentID int
        URL      string
        SubMenu  []MenuItem `gorm:"-"`
    var db *gorm.DB
    func main() {
        app := fiber.New()
        var err error
        db, err = gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("menu.db"), &gorm.Config{})
        if err != nil {
        app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
            menuItems := []MenuItem{}
            db.Where("parent_id = ?", 0).Find(&menuItems)
            for i := range menuItems {
                subMenuItems := []MenuItem{}
                db.Where("parent_id = ?", menuItems[i].ID).Find(&subMenuItems)
                menuItems[i].SubMenu = subMenuItems
            return c.Render("index", fiber.Map{"MenuItems": menuItems})
        app.Static("/static", "./static")


            {{ range $index, $item := .MenuItems }}
                <li><a href="{{ $item.URL }}">{{ $item.Title }}</a></li>
                {{ if $item.SubMenu }}
                        {{ range $subIndex, $subItem := $item.SubMenu }}
                            <li><a href="{{ $subItem.URL }}">{{ $subItem.Title }}</a></li>
                        {{ end }}
                {{ end }}
            {{ end }}