How to lookup from the second source datatable to the first datatable with
Is it possible to apply lookup datatable if possible? please guide me
Private table1 As New DataTable
Private table2 As New DataTable
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(e As EventArgs)
'_myTable = New DataTable
New DataColumn("Column1", GetType(String)),
New DataColumn("Column2", GetType(String)),
New DataColumn("Column3", GetType(String)),
New DataColumn("Size", GetType(String)),
New DataColumn("Qty", GetType(Integer))
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 3000", "TEST", "BHTF10", "5L", 25)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 2000", "TEST", "BHTF15", "S", 55)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 3000", "TEST", "BHTF10", "M", 65)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 1000", "TEST", "BHTF25", "6L", 10)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 3000", "TEST", "BHTF10", "S", 12)
DataGridView1.DataSource = table1
End Sub
Private Sub createtabletwo()
New DataColumn("Size", GetType(String)),
New DataColumn("SizePriority", GetType(Integer))
table2.Rows.Add("5L", 13)
table2.Rows.Add("S", 2)
table2.Rows.Add("M", 3)
table2.Rows.Add("6L", 15)
table2.Rows.Add("3L", 9)
End Sub
Desired Result
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Size | Qty | SizePriority |
TEST 3000 | TEST | BHTF10 | 5L | 25 | 13 |
TEST 2000 | TEST | BHTF15 | S | 55 | 2 |
TEST 3000 | TEST | BHTF10 | M | 65 | 3 |
TEST 1000 | TEST | BHTF25 | 6L | 10 | 15 |
TEST 3000 | TEST | BHTF10 | S | 12 | 2 |
If looking to do using just a simple Select Case
decision tree, nothing too complicated. In fact I would almost go as far as to say looking over your previous questions you've posted and answers you've, you already know how to do this, you need to actually apply the logic and learnings others are giving you.
Dim table1 As New DataTable("Players")
table1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ProductCode", GetType(String)))
table1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Remark", GetType(String)))
table1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ColorCode", GetType(String)))
table1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Size", GetType(String)))
table1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Qty", GetType(Integer)))
table1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("SizePriority", GetType(Integer)))
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 3000", "TEST", "BHTF10", "5L", 25)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 2000", "TEST", "BHTF15", "S", 55)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 3000", "TEST", "BHTF10", "M", 65)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 1000", "TEST", "BHTF25", "6L", 10)
table1.Rows.Add("TEST 3000", "TEST", "BHTF10", "S", 12)
For Each row As DataRow In table1.Rows
Select Case row("Size").ToString()
Case "XS"
row("SizePriority") = 1
Case "S"
row("SizePriority") = 2
Case "M"
row("SizePriority") = 3
Case "L"
row("SizePriority") = 4
Case "XL"
row("SizePriority") = 5
Case "XXL"
row("SizePriority") = 6
Case "2L"
row("SizePriority") = 7
Case "3L"
row("SizePriority") = 8
Case "4L"
row("SizePriority") = 9
Case "5L"
row("SizePriority") = 10
Case Else
row("SizePriority") = 11
End Select
Dim table1View As New DataView(table1)
table1View.Sort = "ProductCode Desc, ColorCode, SizePriority"
For Each row As DataRowView In table1View
Console.WriteLine($"{row(0)}, {row(1)}, {row(2)}, {row(3)}, {row(4)}, {row(5)}")
Nothing any more complicated than that. Of course, you do this using lamda/linq expressions, but this is a verbose way to do it. Alternative since the SizePriority table is likely to be the smaller (I'm guessing) in real life, it may be better performance to switch this around. Iterate the Size Priority table, updating Table1 using a Where clause. I'm a bit fuzzy on the exact syntax with that now days, so going to leave it there, up to you if you want to research that.
If you're looking to do it as a query from your DB, it's just a simple join. Nothing more complicated than that, you might even consider using the Order By clause on that query which will make this and previous question pretty much redundant.
From <Order>
Inner Join <SizePriority> ON <SizePriority>.Size = <Order>.Size
Order By Code Desc, ColorCode, Priority
Note here, I don't know your DB schema so I've used <order>
and <SizePriority>
as placeholders, you will need to replace them with your actual table names whatever they are. You may also need some where condition on this to filter results.