I would like to fit a polynomial to a series of x/y-datapoints and evaluate it at arbitrary x-values. I am using the new numpy
polynomial API:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = [50.0, 150.0, 250.0, 400.0, 600.0, 850.0, 1000.0]
y = [3.2, 10.1, 16.3, 43.7, 69.1, 45.2, 10.8]
mypol = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(
x = x,
y = y,
deg = 3,
np.polyval(mypol.coef, x)
Unfortunately, this returns values which are far greater than the original y-values:
array([7.34024294e+06, 1.96122504e+08, 9.06027339e+08, 3.70658027e+09,
1.25012342e+10, 3.55289563e+10, 5.78446450e+10])
I played around with the order of the polynomial, but wasn't able to get anything useful from the function. What am I doing wrong?
Numpy's polyval
should be evaluated at the x-points, not the y-points. On top of that, the coefficients should be given in order of highest to lowest degree. That said, mypol.coef
does not necessarily return the expanded polynomial coefficients, so mypol.coef
may be useless for np.polyval
Instead, the numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial
object returned by numpy.polynomial.Polynomial.fit
can be evaluated at the x-points of interest, i.e. you can do mypol(x)
. Just note that x
here should be a numpy array. Also note that the fit polynomial is a least-squares fit, meaning it is not an exact interpolation.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
x = np.array([50.0, 150.0, 250.0, 400.0, 600.0, 850.0, 1000.0])
y = np.array([3.2, 10.1, 16.3, 43.7, 69.1, 45.2, 10.8])
mypol = Polynomial.fit(x, y, 3)
x_fine = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 100)
y_fine = mypol(x_fine)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x, y, label="data")
ax.plot(x_fine, y_fine, "tab:orange", label="fit")
ax.set(xlabel="x", ylabel="y", title="NumPy Polynomial Fit")