Just for curiosity I want to get an event every time i add html code to a div like this
const xData = 40;
const container = document.querySelector('.container');
container.innerHTML = `<div class="container_Addons">${xData}</div>`;
container.addEventListener('i dont know',function(){
console.log("you have just added some exotic stuff!");
for (i= 0; i<10;i++){
container.innerHTML += `<div class="container_Addons">${i}st ${xData}</div>`;
to get an listener working every time i add html code
Using MutationObserver is quite easy to watch an element's childList
// Utility functions:
const el = (sel, par) => (par ||document).querySelector(sel);
const elNew = (tag, prop) => Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), prop);
const repeat = (n, cb) => [...Array(n)].forEach((_, i) => cb(i));
// Task: watch content changes:
const xData = 40;
const container = el('.container');
const observeInsertion = new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
records.forEach(rec => {
rec.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
console.log(`Added some exotic stuff: ${node.textContent}`);
observeInsertion.observe(container, {
childList: true
repeat(10, i => {
const elAddon = elNew("div", {
className: "container_Addons",
textContent: `${i}st ${xData}`,
<div class="container"></div>
The innerHTML
constantly changes an element's full contents, therefore I opted for the much more suitable Element.append() method - in order to only be notified for that one specific child insertion. You can as well use .innerHTML =
instead of .append()
, but in such case you'll have to do extra useless and complicated work to detect what is exactly that was newly inserted.