I have a react-native-reanimated
View that is zero width when flex: 0
and fills available width when flex: 1
I want to animate the transition smoothly, making the view animate from 0 width to fill availabla width dynamically, while also animating any elements as it grows:
[#1 first elem] -- [#2 elem i want to grow] -- [#3 elem that should be pushed animated because #2 grows animated]
In my initial view, as #2 has zero width, it looks like [#1] -- [#3]
. I want to animate flex
of #2 from 0
to 1
, but it animates immediately to full width instead of smoothly animating. I can imagine why this happens (as flex is relative, there is no difference between non-zero values as long as it's the only flex-filling element) but don't know how to solve it.
Given that:
How can I animate a Reanimated View to grow in size and animatedly push any elements after it in the layout?
I'm using Reanimated 3.4.1.
I've ended up measuring container view, first element (the one before the animated/growing), last element (the one after the animated/growing) on layout, calculated available space (container - first element's width - last element's width - any paddings etc) and animated the width of the element to that value.