I am creating dynamic controls using jQuery by reading the query string parameter. These controls can be dragged to lay them in neat manner, after the drop event in drag/drop I would update the position and state of control through hidden field. It's just that my implementation now updates data at each drop which is not nice. I also did this through event but did not work well
/*Create controls when only query string exists*/
if (config.params) {
//parse the query string json as a object
var params = $.parseJSON(config.params);
//for each control in json add it to document body
$(params).each(function (idx, obj) {
var id = new Date();//for generating dynamic id
id = id.getTime();
$("<span>").addClass(obj.css).load(function (ev) {
var a = this;
$(a).data("keys", {
key: $("label", a).text()**certainly label wont be found**,
value: $("input[name]:hidden", a)
easydrag().ondrop(function (e, el) {
//easydrag drag drop plugin
var a = $(el),
b = a.data("keys"),
key = b.key,
value = b.value;
value.val(key + "$" + e.pageX + "$" + e.pageY);
position: "absolute",
top: obj.y,
left: obj.x
append($("<label>", {
"for": id
append(config.ELEMENTS(obj.type).attr("id", id))).
append($("<input>", {
"type": "hidden",
"id": "control_position_" + idx
and hidden fields
. I need to set the data on elementspan
only once, since during drop event
i will access the label and hidden field to update the current position of the control. I don't want to query the dom
on each drop for the label
and hidden field
that's my purpose.Get rid of load
, and temporary store a reference to the element. Execute the code after the element has fully finished creating:
var span = $("<span>");
easydrag(). //et cetera
//After the element has finished:
$(span).data("keys", {
key: $("label", span).text(),
value: $("input[name]:hidden", span)