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How to get input from user with placeholder?

I'm currently writing a simple Notepad app in Rust. During the main loop, the user is asked to insert, delete, or change lines. When the user changes a line, I'd like to pre-fill the content of the line so that the user can edit a line easier.

Something like this (The underscore represents the terminal cursor. The user has not made any input after selecting the line):

1. Test
2. 123
Action(Change, Insert, Delete) --> C
Which line --> 2
--> 123_

I've found some crates that could help: Crossterm and Termion. Ncurses could help too, but I'd prefer not to use it.


  • If you don't want to use a full TUI crate like ratatui or a lower-level "curses"-like terminal handling crate like termion, you can still use rustyline for basic input with line editing. Specifically for editing a pre-filled line, you would use readline_with_initial:

    let mut rl = rustyline::DefaultEditor::new()?;
    let line = rl.readline_with_initial ("-->", ("123", ""))?;