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Tried to run Corb in windows machine

I tried running sample corb example by following Corb2 documentation. I have MarkLogic 10 in my machine and for that I had downloaded the following jars:

  • marklogic-corb-2.3.2.jar
  • marklogic-xcc-10.0.10

And created uris.xqy and transform.xqy files as specified in documentation and kept all these in a corb folder. When I tried running it, it is showing and error like below

PS C:\Users\Balaji\Downloads\corb\corb> java -server -cp "marklogic-corb-2.3.2.jar;marklogic-xcc-10.0.10" com.marklogic.developer.corb.Manager

Error: Unable to initialize main class com.marklogic.developer.corb.Manager Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/marklogic/xcc/exceptions/XccConfigException

But Java home path has bee set

PS C:\Users\Balaji\Downloads\corb\corb> java -version
java version "11.0.19" 2023-04-18 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.19+9-LTS-224)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.19+9-LTS-224, mixed mode)

Is there any other configuration changes need to be done to run CORB ?


  • You will see that error about not finding the XCC class when the XCC jar is not on the classpath.

    You are missing the .jar file extension on the XCC jar in your classpath argument.

    It should be: -cp "marklogic-corb-2.3.2.jar;marklogic-xcc-10.0.10.jar"

    instead of: -cp "marklogic-corb-2.3.2.jar;marklogic-xcc-10.0.10"