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Create a data frame with pairwise comparisons of 2 variables where order don't matter in R

I have variables that I want to make all pairwise comparisons but removing rows where the comparisons are equal (e.g., "A" == "A") and keep only one of the comparisons where only the order change, so keep "A" vs "B" OR "B" vs "A".

I have this code that does it in R:

sp.all.var = c(LETTERS[1:10])

df.pairwise = expand.grid(sp.all.var,sp.all.var)


df.pairwise.sub1 = df.pairwise[df.pairwise$Var1!=df.pairwise$Var2,]

df.pairwise.sub1$compare = apply(df.pairwise.sub1, 1, function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse = "-"))

df.pairwise.sub2 = df.pairwise.sub1[!duplicated(df.pairwise.sub1$compare), ]


I was wondering if there is a way to do it in a simpler fashion (Is there a built in function that does it? is there a package?).


  • You probably want combn.

    combn(LETTERS[1:10], 2, paste, collapse = "-")
    #>  [1] "A-B" "A-C" "A-D" "A-E" "A-F" "A-G" "A-H" "A-I" "A-J" "B-C" "B-D" "B-E"
    #> [13] "B-F" "B-G" "B-H" "B-I" "B-J" "C-D" "C-E" "C-F" "C-G" "C-H" "C-I" "C-J"
    #> [25] "D-E" "D-F" "D-G" "D-H" "D-I" "D-J" "E-F" "E-G" "E-H" "E-I" "E-J" "F-G"
    #> [37] "F-H" "F-I" "F-J" "G-H" "G-I" "G-J" "H-I" "H-J" "I-J"

    Or as a data.frame:[1:10], 2, \(x) c(x, paste(x, collapse = "-")))))
    #>    V1 V2  V3
    #> 1   A  B A-B
    #> 2   A  C A-C
    #> 3   A  D A-D
    #> 4   A  E A-E
    #> 5   A  F A-F
    #> 6   A  G A-G
    #> 7   A  H A-H
    #> 8   A  I A-I
    #> 9   A  J A-J
    #> 10  B  C B-C
    #> 11  B  D B-D
    #> 12  B  E B-E
    #> 13  B  F B-F
    #> 14  B  G B-G
    #> 15  B  H B-H
    #> 16  B  I B-I
    #> 17  B  J B-J
    #> 18  C  D C-D
    #> 19  C  E C-E
    #> 20  C  F C-F
    #> 21  C  G C-G
    #> 22  C  H C-H
    #> 23  C  I C-I
    #> 24  C  J C-J
    #> 25  D  E D-E
    #> 26  D  F D-F
    #> 27  D  G D-G
    #> 28  D  H D-H
    #> 29  D  I D-I
    #> 30  D  J D-J
    #> 31  E  F E-F
    #> 32  E  G E-G
    #> 33  E  H E-H
    #> 34  E  I E-I
    #> 35  E  J E-J
    #> 36  F  G F-G
    #> 37  F  H F-H
    #> 38  F  I F-I
    #> 39  F  J F-J
    #> 40  G  H G-H
    #> 41  G  I G-I
    #> 42  G  J G-J
    #> 43  H  I H-I
    #> 44  H  J H-J
    #> 45  I  J I-J