On the top of my test file, I have:
const setExMock = vi.fn()
Then I mock the Redis module (which works)
vi.mock('redis', () => {
return {
createClient: () => {
return {
connect: vi.fn(),
get: vi.fn(),
setEx: setExMock,
Then I get the error:
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'setExMock' before initialization
Why I'm doing this? Because I want to check on my tests if setExMock
was called with some parameters.
I know that vitest hoistes the mock, but how can I do this? I looked at the documentation and haven't found anything.
Found the solution, it is necessary to wrap into a hoisted method
const { setExMock } = vi.hoisted(() => {
return { setExMock: vi.fn() }