I am using Playwright for acceptance-driven tests. I am using the steps listed in the "installation" section to set it up locally and run the playwright tests. I would like to now run the tests in the Azure DevOps pipeline. How can I convert these steps into appropriate tasks in the pipeline?
I was able to install and run using the following steps -
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Build the E2E Test Application'
command: build
projects: $(workingDirectory)/MyProject.sln
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Install Browsers for Playwright'
script: pwsh $(workingDirectory)/bin/Debug/net6.0/playwright.ps1 install
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Run E2E Test'
command: test
projects: $(workingDirectory)/MyProject.sln
arguments: '--filter "Category=MyFilteredTest"'
MyEnvVar: $(myEnvVar)