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Code within an else if conditional is executing despite the condition being false

I am completing the odin projects rock paper scissors project and have a function that must log a response in the console depending on which else if function is true. If none of my else if functions are true it defaults to a separate message using the else conditional. The issue I am currently facing is that when the two values being tested don't result in a draw and are passed through the conditionals; it is defaulting to one response even though the value being passed through the conditional should not result in that conditional being true.

I have tested to ensure the variables being tested in the conditionals are holding the correct values to produce a false response using console.log. Help would be appreciated.

This is the function

for this example the variable player = scissors and compchoice = rock, paper, or scissor the resulting console.log is "Paper! Hah, I knew beating you would be easy." which should only be possible if the player chooses rock and the computer chooses paper.

function playaround(PlayerEntry){
   let compchoice = getcomputerchoice();
    let player = PlayerEntry.toLowerCase();
    if (round = 1) {console.log("how about we do best of five?");} 

    if (player == compchoice) {console.log ("A draw");}
    else if (player = "rock") {
        if (compchoice = "paper") {console.log ("Paper! I win!");
        } else {console.log("Scissors! I lose...");}

    else if(player = "paper") {
        if (compchoice = "scissors") {console.log("Scissors!  I win!");}
         else {console.log("Rock! I lose...");}

    else if (player = "scissors") {
        if (compchoice = "rock") {console.log("Rock! I win!");} 
        else {console.log("Paper! I lose...");}

    else {console.log("someone does not know how to play rock paper scissors...");}


  • You're assigning the value on your conditionals, not comparing.

    You used = instead of ==.

    It's a very very common mistake when we are starting ^^ Keep training.