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(Python) How do I get the weather icon from

I am trying to make a weather app with Python and Tkinter. I am using the weather api from I have pretty much everything but the icon, I don't know how to get the icon url from the .json file and update the icon when searching at a different city or place.

here is the image of the json file where the current condition icon is: This is where the current condition icon url is

Here is the createFrameInfo code in the

#the information of the current condition the text that says "image" is a place holder for the actual icon
def _createFrameInfo(self):
        self.frameInfo = Frame(self.mainframe)
        labelTemp = Label(self.frameInfo, textvariable=self.varTemp)
        labelLocation = Label(self.frameInfo, textvariable= self.varLocation)
        labelIcon = Label(self.frameInfo, text = 'image')

        labelTemp.pack(pady = 5)
        labelLocation.pack(pady = 5)
        labelIcon.pack(pady = 5)

Here is a bit of code from

# The pass is there so the app can run without having an error.
    def getConditionIcon(self):

Here is the github of the all the codes:

I checked the docs and yet there was not a clear explanation of how to get the icon url and updating it. Here is the Weatherapi docs:


  • You can get the icon URL like how you get the condition text and use requests.get() to get the icon data:

    def getConditionIcon(self):
        condition = self.getCurrentData("condition")
        icon_url = f"http:{condition['icon']}"
            icon_data = requests.get(icon_url).content
        except Exception as ex:
            icon_data = None
        return icon_data

    Then you can pass the icon data to tkinter.PhotoImage() to create an image object:

    weather = Weather(...)  # pass the location you want
    image = tkinter.PhotoImage(data=weather.getConditionIcon())

    Note that if the icon image is not PNG image, you may need to use Pillow module to convert the icon data to image.