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Switch between ggplot and ggmap but retain the rest of the code?

I'm building a function which automates the map plotting for users' data, with various options, one of which is to allow different map backgrounds, either Google satellite from ggmap::get_map, or a global coastline processed by (my own package). The problem is, the plot starting function needs to be different, either ggmap or ggplot respectively, but the rest of the plot block is the same. I tried putting this as an option in braces:

if (mapsource == "gbm.basemap") {
      ggplot() +
        ggspatial::layer_spatial(shape, col = "black")
    } else {
    } +
    stars::geom_stars(data = predabundstars |> sf::st_transform(3857), inherit.aes = FALSE) +
    [more code, fill, theme, etc]

This works for the second option (else; ggmap):

ggmap google

But if mapsource == "gbm.basemap", it runs the initial code in braces but nothing after:

basemap fail

If I run the ggplot code outside of braces it works fine, so there's nothing wrong with the data, therefore it must be the 'braces to start a plot' bit:


I tried switching it around (ggmap then basemap), and doing them independently (if ggmap, if basemap) but still no dice. Is this a peculiarity of ggplot? Does anyone know a way around it? I suppose the 'nuclear' option would be duplicating the whole plot code block, one with ggmap, one with ggplot, and ifelse-ing them. I presume that would work but it also kinda sucks that it's that clunky.

Thanks in advance for any intel!


  • I would recommend assigning to an object within the if statement and then using this after the if statement:

    if (mapsource == "gbm.basemap") {
          p <- ggplot() +
            ggspatial::layer_spatial(shape, col = "black")
        } else {
          p <- ggmap::ggmap(myMap)
    p <- p + stars::geom_stars(data = predabundstars |> sf::st_transform(3857), inherit.aes = FALSE)