I'm trying to extract id variable from child module to pass it to another child module. My output block in networking
module is looking like
output "database_subnets_properties" {
description = "List of all* Database Subnets Properties"
value = tomap({
for k, subnet in aws_subnet.database : k => {
arn = subnet.arn
id = subnet.id
I need to pass IDs from this output to lambda vpc_config
VPC config block looks like
vpc_config {
subnet_ids = var.database_subnets_ids
security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.for_lambda.id]
If I pass them like
database_subnets_ids = [module.networking.database_subnets_properties[0].id, module.networking.database_subnets_properties[1].id, module.networking.database_subnets_properties[2].id]
in main.tf, it's working.
I can't find a solution how to improve this code with implementing loop or something like that. Could you please advise? Thank you in advance
You can use splat expression:
database_subnets_ids = values(module.networking.database_subnets_properties)[*].id