I need to consume from version kafka using the GetKafka in nifi which we are using the version 1.9.2. From there using the PublishKafka_2_0 in same 1.9.2 nifi I need to send to the same topic for the kafka 3.2.1 cluster which is having the SASL_PLAINTEXT security and SCRAM-SHA-512. when i configured all the required things like username and password and sasl.jaas.config dynamically it is asking for the kerberos service name . After few debugging and study I found that SASL_PLAINTEXT is only supported with GSAPI which is Kerberos.
But then i tried with upgraded nifi version 1.18.0 which i can use the PublishKafka_2_6 where i can quite comfortably produce to the secured topic on 3.2.1 version kafka which is of SASL_PLAINTEXT and SCRAM-SHA-512 . But here issue is in this version of nifi(1.18.0) there is no GetKafka inorder to consumer from the kafka topic.
how to resolve this issue as i cannot find any solution to this?
You should be able to obtain any of the older NARs that are no longer included by default by going to Maven central: