I'm failing to extract values displayed on a dynamic url. The issue appears to be the dynamism of the url.
When I inspect the source code & use that as the html contenct, I can extract it correctly. When I use the url live, html_node seems to return empty & my code fails.
# 2 sources of html
url_source <- '<span>Earnings on <span>Thu, Aug 03</span></span><span class="Mstart(15px) Fw(500) Fz(s)"><span>1-100 of 1270 results</span></span>'
url_live <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings?from=2023-07-30&to=2023-08-05&day=2023-08-03"
# HTML content to parse
#html_content <- url_source
html_content <- url_live
# Parse the HTML content
webpage <- read_html(html_content)
# Extract the value using CSS selector
value <- webpage %>%
html_node(xpath = '//span[contains(@class, "Mstart") and contains(@class, "Fw") and contains(@class, "Fz")]/span') %>%
# Extract the numeric part from the text
numeric_value <- as.numeric(str_extract(value, "\\d+(?= results)"))
# Print the extracted value
#[1] 1270 from url_source
#[1] NA from url_live
It's working for me with html_nodes()
instead of html_node()
Note: rvest 1.0.0 introduced html_element()
and html_elements()
to supersede html_node*()`
url_live <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings?from=2023-07-30&to=2023-08-05&day=2023-08-03"
html_content <- url_live
webpage <- read_html(html_content)
# Extract the value using CSS selector
value <- webpage %>%
html_elements(xpath = '//span[contains(@class, "Mstart") and contains(@class, "Fw") and contains(@class, "Fz")]/span') %>%
# Extract the numeric part from the text
as.numeric(str_extract(value, "\\d+(?= results)")) |>
#> [1] 1266
#> attr(,"na.action")
#> [1] 1 2 3
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "omit"