I'm needing to add a new set of nodes to an existing network and layout. This refers to the desktop client, but for illustration if you think of the wine and cheese demo (http://www.wineandcheesemap.com/) and I'd be adding "bread" nodes that need to have new edges to the cheeses similarly to the wines.
Even after reviewing documentation I'm struggling to understand whether this is possible in bulk, without having to reload from scratch and thus destroying the layout.
I've found the merge function, but even so, that one destroys the layout too. Automatic layouts don't work for me as they're not consistent and have many overlaps in my use case.
I'd be grateful for any pointers.
As Alex stated, this will necessarily be difficult. However, you can use the copyCatLayout app to save your initial layout and restore it after a merge. The location of the new "bread" nodes will, obviously, be somewhat random and will probably need to be manually repositioned...