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Build a timeline based on separate tables with multiple dateFrom and DateTo columns?

I have two tables, tblPrice and tblDiscount, each have their value with a liveFrom and liveUntil column (plus some other columns but I'm leaving those out to try and make this more straightforward).

What I'm trying to do is display a list of prices and discounts as an ordered list which will show how prices have changed based on the price changing or the discount changing.


row priceID retailPrice liveFrom LiveUntil
1 446413 1666.33 2022-01-31 11:36:21.490 2022-04-08 15:13:41.230
2 1338193 1666.33 2022-04-09 09:30:14.043 2023-04-05 09:37:21.767
3 2707357 1749.65 2023-04-05 09:37:21.767 NULL


row logID discount liveFrom LiveUntil
1 192 0.3700 2022-01-31 11:27:45.060 2023-01-09 14:32:24.413
2 498 0.3200 2023-01-09 14:32:24.413 2023-04-11 15:40:06.460
3 639 0.3100 2023-04-11 15:40:06.460 NULL

expected result

row retailPrice discount liveFrom liveUntil
1 1666.33 0.37 31/01/2022 11:36 08/04/2022 15:13
2 1666.33 0.37 09/04/2022 09:30 09/01/2023 14:32
3 1666.33 0.32 09/01/2023 14:32 05/04/2023 09:37
4 1749.65 0.32 05/04/2023 09:37 11/04/2023 15:40
5 1749.65 0.317 11/04/2023 15:40 NULL

Things to note are:

  • Prices don't necessarily run continuously (note row 1 and 2 on tblPrice have no difference in price, it just happened to be ended and then restarted at a later date so this would give a period where there was no active price for the product).
  • we're focusing on prices but a discount can be live while a price is not so in that situation the effective live from date would still need to be that of the price and not the discount.
  • a price could be active without a discount so the effective discount would be 0

I've tried joining the tables on each other based on a date range and then using a case statement to show the live from and live until dates but it just doesn't seem right and I just can't quite get the logic. The results aren't coming up how I'd hope and I feel I'm going down a rabbit hole in the wrong direction.

My query so far (which as said I'm not sure is the right way to go) is:

        WHEN SDV.[liveFrom] <= P.[liveFrom] AND (SDV.[liveUntil] >= P.[liveFrom] OR SDV.[liveUntil] IS NULL) THEN
        WHEN SDV.[liveFrom] >= P.[liveFrom] AND (SDV.[liveUntil] <= P.[liveUntil] OR P.[liveUntil] IS NULL) THEN
            '1900-01-01 00:00:00'
        WHEN ISNULL(P.[liveUntil],@date) < ISNULL(SDV.[liveUntil],@date) THEN
    tblPrice P
    INNER JOIN tblDiscount D ON P.[supplierDiscountID] = D.[supplierDiscountID]
        AND ((
                D.[liveFrom] <= P.[liveFrom] 
                AND (D.[liveUntil] >= P.[liveFrom] OR D.[liveUntil] IS NULL) 
            ) OR
                D.[liveFrom] >= P.[liveFrom]
                AND (D.[liveFrom] <= P.[liveUntil] OR P.[liveUntil] IS NULL)

I'm not getting the results I'm wanting and the route I'm going down just doesn't seem right. Can anybody give me any pointers or ideas please?


  • You have to look for discount rows that begins before the price ends and ends after the price begins, so this could be a way to do it:

    -- Sample data
    declare @tblPrice table
        ( priceID int not null, retailPrice money not null
        , liveFrom datetime not null, liveUntil datetime)
    declare @tblDiscount table
        ( logID int not null, discount decimal(5,4) not null
        , liveFrom datetime not null, liveUntil datetime)
    insert into @tblPrice values
         ( 446413,1666.33,'2022-01-31T11:36:21.490','2022-04-08T15:13:41.230')
        ,(2707357,1749.65,'2023-04-05T09:37:21.767', null)
    insert into @tblDiscount values
         (192, 0.37, '2022-01-31T11:27:45.060','2023-01-09T14:32:24.413')
        ,(498, 0.32, '2023-01-09T14:32:24.413','2023-04-11T15:40:06.460')
        ,(639, 0.317,'2023-04-11T15:40:06.460', null)
    -- Prices with discounts available or without any discount
    select P.retailPrice
        , isNull(, 0) as discount
        , case when P.liveFrom  >= isNull(D.liveFrom, P.liveFrom)
            then P.liveFrom
            else D.liveFrom
          end as liveFrom
        , case when P.liveUntil <= isNull(D.liveUntil, P.liveUntil)
            then P.liveUntil
            else D.liveUntil
          end as liveUntil
    from @tblPrice P
    left join @tblDiscount D on
         -- P.supplierDiscountID = D.supplierDiscountID and
         D.liveFrom <= isNull(P.liveUntil, getDate())
     and P.liveFrom <= isNull(D.liveUntil, getDate())
    union all
    -- Prices that begins before 1st discount available
    select x.retailPrice
        , 0 as discount
        , x.liveFrom
        , x.lf as liveUntil
    from (
    select P.retailPrice, P.liveFrom
        , min(D.liveFrom) lf
    from @tblPrice P
    left join @tblDiscount D on
         -- P.supplierDiscountID = D.supplierDiscountID and
         D.liveFrom <= isNull(P.liveUntil, getDate())
     and P.liveFrom <= isNull(D.liveUntil, getDate())
    group by P.priceID, P.retailPrice, P.liveFrom
    having min(D.liveFrom)
         > P.liveFrom
    ) x
    union all
    -- Prices that ends after last discount available
    select x.retailPrice
        , 0 as discount
        , as liveFrom
        , x.liveUntil
    from (
    select P.retailPrice, P.liveUntil
        , max(isNull(D.liveUntil, getDate())) lu
    from @tblPrice P
    left join @tblDiscount D on
         -- P.supplierDiscountID = D.supplierDiscountID and
         D.liveFrom <= isNull(P.liveUntil, getDate())
     and P.liveFrom <= isNull(D.liveUntil, getDate())
    group by P.priceID, P.retailPrice, P.liveUntil
    having max(isNull(D.liveUntil, getDate()))
         < isNull(P.liveUntil, getDate())
    ) x
    order by liveFrom