I am trying to generate a combined histplot with two datasets together with the following codes
_,bins = np.histogram([150, 600], bins=30)
alpha = 0.4
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.histplot(df1['Tm/K Pred.'], bins=bins, alpha=alpha, label='df1')
sns.histplot(vispilsExp298Tm_bert['Tm/K Pred.'], bins=bins, alpha=alpha, label='df2')
However, the labels were duplicated in the legend. May I ask how can I remove them ??
I checked:
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles, labels
([<BarContainer object of 1 artists>,
<BarContainer object of 30 artists>,
<BarContainer object of 1 artists>,
<BarContainer object of 30 artists>],
['df1', 'df1', 'df2', 'df2'])
You could remove the duplicated labels using a dictionary:
lgd, keys = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
d = dict(zip(keys, lgd))
plt.legend(d.values(), d.keys())
Alternatively, what about merging the datasets and letting seaborn
handle the legend?
import pandas as pd
sns.histplot(pd.concat({'df1': df1[['Tm/K Pred.']],
'df2': vispilsExp298Tm_bert[['Tm/K Pred.']]},
x='Tm/K Pred.', hue='dataset', bins=bins, alpha=alpha,
hue_order=['df2', 'df1']
Or, without pandas:
sns.histplot({'df1': df1['Tm/K Pred.'],
'df2': vispilsExp298Tm_bert['Tm/K Pred.']},
bins=bins, alpha=alpha,
hue_order=['df2', 'df1']